
Be it for community plan information, promoting community events, keeping up with what's going on, sharing your point of view, or accessing ferry schedules and essential weather or tides data, this is your place.

Originaly sponsored by Islands Trust, this site was first developed to provide an additional means of communicating regarding the Keats Island Community Plan. However, in its development, we also sought to create a site that, now and in the future, would serve as a source of information and a means of idea sharing for Keats Islanders. Along with Tidelines,we trust that it will aslo help the various communities to work together to solve island problems. We hope that many of you will use the information available on the site and will also contribute in some way with information and ideas.

If you have ideas or concerns about the website itself or issues or events that might effect you and/or other islanders, do not hesitate to bring them forward. Also, if you have found another website that might be of interest to Keats Islanders, send the address (URL) to us and we will add it to the links list or use it in the "Issues" area. Similarly, if you find good printed material, scan or retype it and pass it on so we can use it in the same way. To communicate with us, use our e-mail address, which is

All materials are subject to the space available and to the editor's discretion.


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